Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 Girl Silhouette Kneeling

I had an epiphany today as I am weeding my flower beds, rock beds, driveway, grass, (you get the picture).  I'm not usually a very happy camper when I'm weeding.  I mean, it's up and down and bend and stretch.  I know what you're thinking.  Workout program.  Yeah, well who says I need one anyway?  How about God.  Yes, God.  And it's not just any workout program.  It's one with a twist.  While I'm busy grumbling about those crazy weeds, God's talking to me ever so gently.  Now you know it's not an audible voice, but rather thoughts interfering with my grumbling.  Yes, can you believe the nerve?!  So God says, how about every time you kneel down to pick weeds, pray.  Wha...but I.. really?...okay.  I know there have been so many analogies of weeds and a person's spiritual life.  I get it.  But this was good.  Really good.
a.  it takes my focus off myself.
b.  praying for someone can only be a good thing.
c.  workout. program.

Win/Win/Win.  I have to admit, I was a little perturbed at first.  But you surely can't stay perturbed for very long when you're praying for someone.  God knows what He's doing.  It sure is amazing how the ol' attitude changes real quick-like when the focus falls from self.  

So I dedicate my workout program to God with a thankful heart.  Thank you, God, for taking the time for me; for being ever so patient and granting me mercy when I definitely don't deserve it. 

Until next time, happy kids, camping, and beyond.


  1. So good! So true! Definitely need to start weeding more around here!love your writing style by the way- hope to see you guys this summer! (Myrtle Beach again, maybe?!)
